Monday, October 4, 2010

Massage Therapy School & 5k

Seattle Sunset

I started classes at Pittsburgh School of Massage Therapy last week and so far so good!
My classes are Principles of Touch, Anatomy and Physiology I, Swedish I, and a class that varies every Thursday afternoon
The very first day of Swedish we got to be hands on with our classmates and just get acquainted and cozied up to the idea of touching people.
To quote my partner "I loooooove schooooool"
So now I have to figure out which massage table to purchase.
(and in which price range...eek!)

Also, I recently visited my family in Canada. My nine (NINE!!!!) year old cousin Maddi ran a 5k with her mom. Soooo methinks I have to get my exercising act back together. Luckily I got a call from my gym Urban Active this morning that I won a complementary session with a trainer! So I'm scheduled for that tomorrow afternoon.
Now off to continue the job search, study and ship a tea trade package!

1 comment:

  1. yay you for doing massage school! that's so awesome that you are loving it already. and a big woot for the tea trade. it's always so much fun!! hugs!!


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