Monday, June 14, 2010


So I FINALLY started working!!!!!
So far it's going well. I'm still a bit intimidated as I have boatloads to learn about TSS-ing and Autism. There are ongoing trainings, so I suppose I'll just have to absorb the information in a more timely manner. Today is my first day without supervision so we'll see how it goes.

I went to Animal Friends to see if I could still volunteer without having to go through the orientation process again, it turns out that I can so... YAY!
Hopefully this will cut my summer boredom streak short.
It's kitten season again so they'll definitely need lots of help this time of year.
I'm currently reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and there are SO many passages and phrases in this book that when I'm reading I think "YES!!!"
The latest of which is a quote from the former Catholic nun at the Ashram in India
"Guilt's just your ego's way of tricking you into thinking that you're making moral progress.
Don't fall for it, my dear."

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